Regular chiropractic care is a great way to take care of your spine so your body can take care of you. When your spine is out, all sorts of health problems can occur. Even if you don't feel back pain, spinal subluxations can prevent your body from healing and functioning properly.
Walton Chiropractic can help you decide which services and frequency of chiropractic care that is right for you.
Most people base their spinal care on pain. But pain isn't always an accurate indicator of health or disease. Walton Chiropractic takes objective measures to diagnose chiropractic care utilizing a Heart Rate Variability evaluation, thermographic nerve scan, and x-rays. We work with each individual patient to determine an effective treatment program that will measure progress and lead to optimal health.
The chiropractors at Walton Chiropractic help correct spinal subluxations which cause problems with your nervous system. Properly aligning your spine will optimize nerve function and allow your body to heal itself.
Treatment of subluxations include manual adjustments as well as the use of advanced technology tools: The ProAdjuster and the K-Laser.
Headaches that don’t go away? Constant back pain?
Stomach issues? Do you get sick all the time?
We determine how your nervous system is functioning so we can pinpoint the best methods for improvement.

A chiropractor will ask you about your symptoms, your health, your life, and your health goals. He'll also explain the philosophy of Walton Chiropractic and how our office might help you. On your second visit, after analyzing the results of the diagnostic evaluation and considering the patient interview, he'll discuss treatment options with you.

X-rays provide a picture of the neck, spine, and pelvis so that the chiropractor can establish the presence of any underlying subluxated vertebra and its approximate age. An x-ray is often only necessary for your initial visit.

This test measures heart rate variability in order to determine nerve output. The examination takes about 4 or 5 minutes.
To understand this evaluation, think of your fist. The muscles of your fist are controlled by your nervous system. One part of the nervous system excites the muscles of your hand, causing them to contract and form a fist. Another part of the nervous system causes the muscles to relax and the fist to open. The speed at which you can make and relax your fist correlates to the power of your nervous system.
Likewise, your heart is a muscle with four chambers that, like your fist, are controlled by your nervous system. This HRV evaluation determines the source power of the nerves that go to your heart. It provides an objective measure of the effect of chiropractic treatment on your health.

Thermography uses infra-red technology to measure the temperature of the nerve space an inch-and-a-half below the surface of the skin. The output of the test shows if nerve temperature is hotter or colder on one side of the spine compared to the other. This helps to determine if a problem is chronic or acute and whether it is old or new.
When the scan if performed regularly, the pattern of results can show if the adjustments are having the desired effect and whether adjustments need to be modified. Patterns are important because nervous systems must adapt to be healthy. This means that nerve temperatures will naturally change and do not by themselves indicate a problem. For example, if in Spring you mulch, or if in Autumn you rake, and your back is not accustomed to doing those activities, your back may hurt because your nervous system has to re-balance itself. A nerve scan at this time would show hot nerves. This is healthy and normal. However, two weeks later, the scan shouldn’t show hot nerves. The key is to observe the pattern over time. This is why regular nerve scans are important.
This is why in addition to the initial scan, you’ll receive follow up nerve scans every three to six visits. The chiropractor can then adjust what he does in your treatments based on the nerve scan pattern.

This is the tried-and-true, traditional method of providing chiropractic treatment. The chiropractor carefully exerts force through his hands to adjust the spine, neck, and pelvis. Its purpose is not to “crack the back,” but rather to correct vertebral misalignments so the body can heal itself optimally.

The ProAdjustor is both a sensor and an adjustment tool that offers pain-free chiropractic adjustments. It can be used in place of manual adjustments or in addition to them.
The tool has different heads for different purposes and body sizes. The spine head is shaped somewhat like the letter “U”. It is designed to sit on either side of the spinous processes and push against the vertebral bodies. (The spinous processes are the knobby part of the spine you can feel if you run your hand along the middle of someone’s back. The vertebral bodies are more toward the center of your body and make up the man portion of each vertebra.)
The tool exerts a quick, rapid force (or percussion) that pushes against the spine. The chiropractor can control the force so that he can work on almost anyone from an infant, a child, an adult, a 90-year old, a person suffering from osteoporosis, or a tough-muscled person.
A piezo-electrical sensor, which is like a car sensor, sends information to a computer to establish how much tone, stiffness, rigidity, and consistent movement is in a segment of the spine. Based on the information, the tool does two things. It percusses (exerts force on and off) until it measures 10 identical, consistent readings. Then it shuts off. It also displays a sine wave which shows where there is a lot of tension. The sine wave flattens when the tension is released. This provides an objective proof of chiropractic results.
Another head is designed to affect muscle spindles. It puts a fast, rapid percussion into the muscles which causes them to contract and relax repeatedly, resulting in muscle fatigue. Relaxing the muscles fibers helps the body hold the adjustment.

The K-laser reduces pain and inflammation and promotes healing. It does this by stimulating increased circulation, enhancing ATP production, encouraging the growth of cells, and promoting cellular nutrient intake.
Our office has used the K-laser to help people with bone fractures, ligament and tendon strains, plantar fasciitis, and disc pain. In fact, disc patients are one of the biggest users of K-lasers. We can reduce disc healing time by a third and may be able to prevent the need for surgery.
The K-laser is an effective complement to chiropractic adjustments in enhancing your body’s natural ability to heal.
What is the difference between
the K-laser and other lasers on the market?
The primary difference is the four wavelength settings. Most lasers only utilize two wavelength settings so they affect only muscle or skin. The K-laser, however, can emit four wavelengths, allowing it to also affect the nerves, blood vessels and bones.
How do laser therapy and
chiropractic care relate to each other?
Usually, laser treatments and chiropractic care go together to promote optimal healing and pain reduction. Chiropractic adjustments encourage healing through the spine and nervous system while the laser enhances healing through blood circulation and tissue. When used together, a more wholistic and complete healing occurs.